Inner Planet conducts regular training, workshops, and provides supervision as well as internship experiences for future counselors!

Training and Supervision

As important as degrees are, in a humanistic profession like psychology, practical experiences that help develop or finetune essential counselling skills are crucial. Not to forget the administrative aspect like client handling! After taking inputs from students and young practitioners, we’ve meticulously developed our latest training program to help you prepare for your journey in this beautiful field!


Dates: 27th May 2024 to 11th July 2024 (6 Weeks)

Investment: ₹ 8000/- Only 

Early Bird offer: ₹ 6999/- Valid till 30th April 2024

Eligibility: Master’s Psychology Students, Master’s Psychology Degree holders (recommended for recent professionals)

Here’s what you would learn from this program –

  • How to Build helpful alliances with clients
  • How to set goals in therapy & Formulate Treatment Plans
  • How to avoid burnout and work efficiently 
  • How to deal with your “self” during sessions and create your own personal style
  • How to apply Theory to Diverse and Unique Client Needs

Tools for Learning:

  • Expert-led Training and Group Supervision
  • Research Paper Discussions
  • Peer Practice Sessions
  • Case Discussions
  • Support Group Conduction Exercises


  • A more nuanced and practical understanding of the therapeutic process
  • The confidence and skills to take on clients and support them on their mental health journeys
  • A certificate of completion
IP REBT Poster

Therapy Supervision Community

Welcome to Inner Planet’s Therapy Supervision Community – where exploration meets connection in the realm of mental health!

Be among the first to join our Beta program, experiencing exclusive access gratis for the first few months. Dive deep into therapeutic insights, forge new connections, and elevate your practice alongside like-minded individuals.

Who can join? Masters in Psychology, practicing Psychotherapists or Counselors, from cognitive behavioral, systemic, or humanistic schools of thought, with a passion for learning and community.

Don’t miss out! Secure your spot for our upcoming sessions on April 18th or 19th, 2024, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. No fees required. Join us and let’s thrive together!

REBT Supervision

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that is action-oriented and believes that it is our thinking of events that cause the emotional and behavioral upset, not the event itself. Focusing on the present, REBT is a practical approach that assists people in overcoming adversity and achieving their goals. Our co-founder and Associate Fellow and Supervisor trained from the Albert Ellis Institute, New York, USA, is an ingenious REBT therapist with over 8 years of experience with REBT. As part of the certification process from the Albert Ellis Institute, supervision of sessions is an important step of the learning process. Zohra provides supervision specifically for REBT therapists in training for the associate fellowship or higher at the Albert Ellis Institute, New York, and therapists who want to apply the basics of REBT in their practice. This will help them understand the ABCDEF model of REBT and apply it to their therapy sessions.

Therapy Supervision

An experienced therapist will reside on your sessions or listen to recordings of your session and give you feedback to fine-tune your technique, help you realize crucial insights or perspectives that were missing or only partially present in your sessions. We help you with case conceptualizations to enable you to understand your client and your therapy session on a deeper level. It is helpful for experienced and novice therapists from different schools of therapy alike. Zohra Master and Yogita Madan, our expert therapists, with a combined experience of over 8 years and 1000+ sessions, provide an unbiased and  curated supervision that is both respectful and pertinent. This is beneficial for counselling students, all therapists or anyone looking to improve their therapy skills or even for personal growth.